Category Archives: TD2

A New Path

The kids set sail, high above the creek named Sligo, to a school that sits on a hill. It’s a calm community. A community of diverse students and backgrounds. And that community will protect them for the next 8 months.

Ahhhhh. Deep breathes.

I have written it to many and believe it to be true: transitions are often harder on adults than their kids. I am feeling how tough it can be. From the new commute, the new community, the new “flow” to their new friends, it’ll be a tough change. But, Amma must be up for it and I’m trying to be.

As I prepped for the new school year, I decided a few things:

  1. I’m going to strive to document as much of this new year as I possibly can. I’ll be doing it through blogging, weekly logs of TD1 and TD2 lives, and through 1 second everyday.
  2. It’ll be a year of slowing down and interacting more with one another. It’ll be less of interacting with a flat screen. More play and less talking at you. More silly and less “no”. More nature! More drawing! More crafts!
  3. I’ll mess up and be okay with it. It’s a forgone conclusion. It’ll happen. I need to be better about letting it go. Listen to TD2 who always reminds me, after she does something she is not supposed to do, “It’s okay, Amma. It’ll be okay.”

I’m genuinely excited about how much growth I’ll see in them, and me, as we chart this new path. It’ll be a path that will crisscross my childhood path in some similar dimensions. Exploring these grounds will be fun, as I wear different clothes and hold a new flashlight.


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